Index  Human Development (HDI) of Kalimantan Tengah in 2017 reached 69.79 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kotawaringin Timur Regency

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Index  Human Development (HDI) of Kalimantan Tengah in 2017 reached 69.79

Release Date : May 7, 2018
File Size : 1.17 MB


Human development in Kalimantan Tengah Province continues progress marked by continuing Increased Human Development Index (HDI)  Kalimantan Tengah. In 2017, IPM Kalimantan The middle has reached 69.79. This number is increasing of 0.66 points compared to the Kalimantan HDI  Central in 2016 which amounted to 69.13.
  • Status of human development in Kalimantan Tengah still at "moderate" level. HDI Kalimantan Tengah on in 2017 grew by 0.95 percent compared  year 2016.
  • During the period 2016 to 2017, the components the establishment of HDI also increased. That baby Newborns have the opportunity to live up to 69.59 year, an increase of 0.02 years over the year  previous. 7-year-olds have chances  to attend school for 12.45 years, increased by 0.12 year compared to 2016. Meanwhile,  population aged 25 years and over on average have educated for 8.29 years, increased  0.16 years compared to the previous year.  Per capita spending (constant 2012 prices) of society  has reached Rp 10.49 million in 2017,  increased by Rp 337 thousand rupiah compared to the year  previous.
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