Kalimantan Tengah's Human Development Index (HDI) 2020 reached 71.05. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kotawaringin Timur Regency

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Kalimantan Tengah's Human Development Index (HDI) 2020 reached 71.05.

 Kalimantan Tengah's Human Development Index (HDI) 2020 reached 71.05.Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 17, 2020
File Size : 2.13 MB


The COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on human development in Kalimantan Tengah. This can be seen from the slowdown in the growth of the Central Kalimantan Human Development Index (HDI) in 2020 compared to previous years. Central Kalimantan's HDI in 2020 was 71.05 or grew 0.20 percent (increased 0.14 points) compared to 2019.
  • The slowdown in Kalimantan Tengah's HDI growth in 2020 was strongly influenced by a decrease in adjusted average per capita expenditure. This indicator decreased from 11.24 million rupiah in 2019 to 11.15 million rupiah in 2020.
  • In terms of education, children in Kalimantan Tengah who are 7 years old in 2020 have the hope of being able to enjoy 12.66 years of education or almost the equivalent of the education period to complete the Diploma I level, 0.09 years longer than those of the same age in 2019. In addition, the population of Kalimantan Tengah aged 25 years and over has on average studied 8.59 years, 0.08 years longer than the previous year.
  • In terms of health, babies born in 2020 have the expectation to live up to 69.74 years, 0.05 years longer than those born the previous year.
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