Release Date | : | July 17, 2017 |
File Size | : | 0 MB |
The number of poor population ( the population who have percapita for consume each month below poverty line) in Kalimantan Tengah Province in March 2017 reach 139.161 people (5,37 percent), minus 4.324 people (0,29 percent) than poor population in March 2017 which amount 143.485 (5,66 percent)
During March 2016 – March 2017 period, urban poor population increased 1.776 people ( 41.069 people in March 2016 become 42.845 people in March 2017), and meanwhile rural poor population decreased 6.100 people ( 102.416 people in March 2016 to 96.316 people in March 2017),
Urban poor population on March 2016 amount 4,60 percent, minus 4.59 percent on March 2017. Then, rural poor population also going down from 6,23 percent on March 2016 to 5,81 percent on March 2017.
Poverty line on March 2017 worth amount Rp 401.537,- , this mount increased compare by March 2016 that only mount Rp 373.484,- (increased 7,51 percent).
Food become the biggest contribution than non foods comodity ( housing, clothing, education, and health ). On March 2017, Foods Poverty Line gave contribution around 79,85 percent, lower than March 2016 that recorded amount 80.19 percent.
Food comodity that have the most contribution in Poverty Line both in urban and rural are rice, cigarrete, chicken eggs, chicken meat, sugar,mie instant, cake, onion, chili, and coffe powder/instant coffe. Meanwhile for Non Food Comodity there are housing bill, gasoline, electricity, tuition fee, and bathing tools.
On March 2016 – March 2017, Poverty Gap Index / Indeks Kedalaman Kemiskinan (P1) slighty falling from 0,859 to 0,848, this was indicating that the average of population expenditure tend to closer with Poverty Line. While Poverty Severity Index / Indeks Keparahan Kemiskinan (P2) climb up from 0,196 to 0,213. This number showed that the gap of poor population expenditure narrower.
Compared with another provinces in Kalimantan Island on March 2017, the highest poverty population number in West Kalimantan amount 7,88 percent, while the lowest number in South Kalimantan amount 4,73 percent.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kotawaringin TimurJl. A.Yani No.5
Kel. Mentawa Baru Hulu
Kec. Mentawa Baru Ketapang
Kab. Kotawaringin Timur
Prov. Kalimantan Tengah
74322Telp (0531) 21221