July 2023: Palangka Raya experienced a deflation of 0.01 percent and Sampit by 0.26 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kotawaringin Timur Regency

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July 2023: Palangka Raya experienced a deflation of 0.01 percent and Sampit by 0.26 percent

July 2023: Palangka Raya experienced a deflation of 0.01 percent and Sampit by 0.26 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 1, 2023
File Size : 3.06 MB


In July 2023, the combined inflation for the City of Palangka Raya and Sampit was 0.09 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 117.52. Of the 90 CPI cities, 77 cities experienced inflation, while 13 cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation occurred in Manokwari at 1.43 percent with a CPI of 121.37 and the deepest deflation occurred in Tual at 0.50 percent with a CPI of 118.69.
  • The combined inflation for the City of Palangka Raya and Sampit in July 2023 occurred due to an increase in the price index in the education group (0.87 percent), the recreation, sports and culture group (0.25 percent), the health group (0.16 percent), the food group , beverages and tobacco (0.14 percent), transportation group (0.09 percent), personal care and other services group (0.08 percent), clothing and footwear group (0.05 percent).
  • Calendar year inflation (July 2023 to December 2022) for the combined cities of Palangka Raya and Sampit was recorded at 1.63 percent and year-on-year inflation (July 2023 against July 2022) was 3.19 percent.
  • Commodities contributing to inflation in July 2023 include purebred chicken, purebred chicken eggs, wet shrimp, senior high schools, filter clove cigarettes, house rent, garlic, catfish, kindergartens and cooking oil.
  • Commodities that contributed to deflation in July 2023 included tomatoes, long beans, cucumbers, mustard greens, tilapia, rice, shallots, cement, beans, and kale.
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