QIII 2020, Kalimantan Tengah's economy contracted 3.12% - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kotawaringin Timur Regency

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QIII 2020, Kalimantan Tengah's economy contracted 3.12%

 QIII 2020, Kalimantan Tengah's economy contracted 3.12%Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 5, 2020
File Size : 0.87 MB


The economy of Kalimantan Tengah in the third quarter of 2020 as measured by Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) at the current price reached IDR 38,015.2 billion and on a constant 2010 basis it reached IDR 24,429.3 billion.
  • The economy of Kalimantan Tengah in quarter III-2020 against quarter III-2019 (y-on-y) contracted by 3.12 percent. From the production side, only 7 (seven) categories were still able to grow positively, the remaining 10 categories were contracted. The category with the biggest contraction was the company service category, which grew negatively by 18.16 percent. From the expenditure side, only the Government Consumption Component grew positively. The component with the largest contraction was exports of goods and services with a contraction of 3.66 percent.
  • The economy of Kalimantan Tengah in the third quarter of 2020 against the second quarter of 2020 (q-to-q) grew 1.69 percent. From the production side, the highest growth occurred in the Category of Government Administration, Defense and Social Security which grew by 26.92 percent. Meanwhile, from the expenditure side, the largest growth occurred in the Government Consumption Component, amounting to 19.52 percent.
  • Kalimantan Tengah's economic growth until the third quarter of 2020 (c-to-c) contracted by 1.12 percent. From the production side, the largest contraction occurred in the Corporate Service Category, amounting to 14.87 percent. Meanwhile, from the expenditure side, the components of goods and services exports contracted by 9.06 percent.
  • Q-to-q Quarter III-2020, the economy of all provinces in Kalimantan Island has shown improvement with positive economic growth. However, y-on-y and c-to-c still experience contraction (except for North Kalimantan with positive c-to-c growth).
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