Kalimantan Tengah Economic grow 6,12 percent on Quarter II 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kotawaringin Timur Regency

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Kalimantan Tengah Economic grow 6,12 percent on Quarter II 2017

Kalimantan Tengah Economic grow 6,12 percent on Quarter II 2017Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 7, 2017
File Size : 0.54 MB


Kalimantan Tengah Economic grow 6,12 percent on Quarter II 2017
  • Quarter II-2017 economic growth of Kalimantan Tengah (y- on -y) measured by Gross Domestic Regional Product (GDRP) at Current Market Prices amount 30.384,9 billion rupiahs and at constant market prices amount 21.850,3 billion rupiahs.
  • Quarter II-2017 to quarter II-2016 economic of Kalimantan Tengah grow 6.12 percent, slower than quarter I-2017 that grow 9,49 percent. On the Industrial origin, the highest economic growth happened in Transportation and Storage that grow 17,62 percent, only Water supply, Litter Process, Waste and Recycle that show the contrast. And from expenditure the growth supported by all component. The highest growth happened in export component amount 10,19 percent, only Government Consumption Expenditure that contrast.
  • Quarter II-2017 to quarter I-2017 (q to q) economic growth have contraction -2,18 percent. In Industrial origin this was trigger by Mining and Excavation that contraction amount -10,40 percent and Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery amount -5,55 percent. While from the expenditure side this condition triggers by export component that contraction amount -10,47 percent.
  • Kalimantan economic growth in Semester I-2017 ( c to c) grow 7,80 percent. Only Water supply, Litter Process, Waste and Recycle that contraction amount -2,90 percent. Meanwhile in Government Consumption Expenditure have contraction amount -0,49 percent.
  • Economic structure of Kalimantan based on spatial at quarter II-2017 still dominated by Kalimantan Timur province amount 52,44 percent. Kalimantan Tengah province ranked on fourth by contribution amount 11,06 percent.
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