Number of Sea and Air Transportation Passenger Increased 6,79% and 1,32% In April 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kotawaringin Timur Regency

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Number of Sea and Air Transportation Passenger Increased 6,79% and 1,32% In April 2017

Number of Sea and Air Transportation Passenger Increased 6,79% and 1,32% In April 2017Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : June 2, 2017
File Size : 0.15 MB


During April  2017, The number of sea and air transportation passengers amount 14.090 and 136.076.
  • The number of sea transportation is 14.090 person, increased 6,79  percent than the previous month that was 13.194  person.
  • The goods traffic flow by sea transportation amount 1,28  million ton, increased 4,96 percent than a month before. This caused by load volume increased amount 14,15 percent and the unload volume minus amount 10,82 percent.
  • Flight frequency minus 2,99 percent, by 1.638 on March 2017 then 1.589 flights in April 2017.
  • The number of air transportation aim 136.076 passengers, increased 1,32 percent than before that was amount 134.305 passengers.
  • The goods traffic flow by airport was recorded amount 1.553 ton, minus 0,11 percent than the previous month. This was effected by load  and unload volume that amount -4,43 and 8,09 percent.
  • The passengers and goods traffic flow by sea transportation dominated by Kumai harbors and Sampit that each of them have 65,08 percent and 51,56 percent. Meanwhile, the passengers and goods traffic flow by air transportation dominated by Tjilik Riwut airport and Iskandar Pangkalan Bun Airport that each of them have 51,69 percent and 59,33 percent

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kotawaringin TimurJl. A.Yani No.5


Kel. Mentawa Baru Hulu

Kec. Mentawa Baru Ketapang

Kab. Kotawaringin Timur

Prov. Kalimantan Tengah

74322Telp (0531) 21221



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