In June 2011, the Central Kalimantan Farmers Exchange Rate (NTP) was 101.26 percent or declined
0.29 percent compared to NTP in May 2011. This is due to the rise in the price index
paid by farmers by 0.36 percent, larger than the price index
received by farmers by 0.07 percent.
Viewed from 5 (five) subsectors, there is one sub-sector that experienced increase of NTP, that is
Subsector of Smallholder Estate (TPR) rose by 0.14 percent, while the Horticulture sub-sector
decreased by 1.06 percent, fisheries subsector fell 0.62 percent, Livestock subsector fell
0.29 percent, and Food Crops subsector fell by 0.07 percent.
In June 2011, the price index received by farmers (IT) rose 0.07 percent compared with IT
May 2011. The increase was due to IT in three subsectors increased:
food crops subsector increased 0.27 percent, sub-sector of Perkebunan Rakyat (TPR) rose
by 0.51 percent, and the Livestock subsector rose by 0.07 percent. While the sub-sector
Horticulture fell by 0.65 percent and the fisheries subsector fell by 0.31 percent.
Price index paid by farmers (IB) In June rose 0.36 percent compared to May 2011,
this increase is due to IB on 5 subsectors all experienced an increase, ie subsector
Food crops rose 0.34 percent, Horticulture subsector rose 0.41 percent, fisheries sub-sector
up 0.32 percent, Livestock subsector rose by 0.36 percent, and the estate subsector
People (TPR) rose by 0.36 percent.
Changes in Household consumption index (KRT) reflects the rate of Inflation / Deflation at
Rural areas. In June 2011 there was an increase of 0.40 percent. This hike
because all groups experienced an increase of the Foodstuff category rose
by 0.52 percent, So Food category rose 0.01 percent, Housing group rose
0.56 percent, Sandang group up 0.07 percent, Education, Recreation & Sports group
up 0.27 percent, Transportation & Communications group rose by 0.49 percent, the group
Health rose by 0.25 percent.
In June 2011, the national NTP was 104.79 percent or up 0.28 percent compared to May
2011. This is because the price index received by farmers rose 0.63 percent, larger
increase compared to the price increase paid by farmers.