November 2020, Kalimantan Tengah Province experienced inflation of 0.52% - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kotawaringin Timur Regency

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November 2020, Kalimantan Tengah Province experienced inflation of 0.52%

 November 2020, Kalimantan Tengah Province experienced inflation of 0.52%Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 1, 2020
File Size : 0.57 MB


Of the 90 cities monitored by the national CPI, 83 cities experienced inflation and only 7 cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation occurred in Tual (1.15 percent) and the highest deflation in Kendari (0.22 percent). Palangka Raya is in the 16th place for inflation cities at the national level, while Sampit is in the 18th place for inflation cities.
  • Inflation in Palangka Raya (0.53 percent) was influenced by increases in the price index in the food, beverage and tobacco group (1.50 percent), the transportation group (0.84 percent), and the personal care and other services group (0.18 percent).
  • Inflation in Sampit (0.52 percent) was influenced by an increase in the price index for the transportation group (1.12 percent), the food, beverage, and tobacco group (0.89 percent), and the housing, water, electricity, and household fuel group. (0.35 percent).
  • Based on the two reference cities (Palangka Raya and Sampit), Kalimantan Tengah Province experienced inflation (0.52 percent), calendar year inflation rate (0.67 percent) and year-on-year inflation rate (1.19 percent).
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