SEPTEMBER 2019 SAMPIT CITY DEFLATION 0.26 PERCENT - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kotawaringin Timur Regency

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SEPTEMBER 2019 SAMPIT CITY DEFLATION 0.26 PERCENTDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : October 4, 2019
File Size : 1.03 MB


During September 2019, Sampit City experienced a general decline in commodity prices (deflation) of 0.26 percent with a consumer price index of 140.21. The calendar year inflation rate is 0.83 percent and the year on year inflation rate (September 2019 to September 2018) is 2.31 percent.
Deflation in Sampit City during September 2019 occurred due to a decrease in the index in the three expenditure groups, respectively the Foodstuffs Group by 1.37 percent, the Transportation, Communication and Financial Services Group by 0.18 percent, and the Health Group by 0, 03 percent.
The commodities that had the highest share of a significant drop in the price index in Sampit City during September 2019 were poultry, shallots and watermelons. Meanwhile, commodities that had the highest share of significant increases in price indexes were gold jewelery and kindergarten.
Of the 9 CPI cities on the island of Borneo that counted deflation in September 2019, deflation occurred sequentially in Tanjung City (Tabalong) by 0.61 percent, Tarakan City by 0.57 percent, Samarinda City by 0.46 percent, Sampit City by 0 , 26 percent, Singkawang City by 0.13 percent and Balikpapan City by 0.03 percent. Conversely, inflation occurred in Pontianak successively at 0.28, Banjarmasin at 0.06 percent, and Palangkaraya at 0.05 percent.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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