Farmer Terms of Trade in April 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kotawaringin Timur Regency

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Farmer Terms of Trade in April 2013

Farmer Terms of Trade in April 2013Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 1, 2013
File Size : 0.15 MB


In April 2013, the Central Kalimantan Farmers Exchange Rate (NTP) was recorded at 98.05 or decreased by 0.13 percent compared to NTP in March 2013. This was due to the increase in the price index received by farmers by 0.50 percent smaller than the increase in Index which paid farmers who rose by 0.63 percent. 
 Viewed from 5 (five) subsectors, there are 3 (three) sub-sectors of Agriculture decreased NTP, ie Food Crops sub-sector decreased 0.21 percent, Sub-sector of Smallholder Plantation (TPR) fell by 1.20 percent and Livestock sub-sector decreased by 0.45 percent. While sub-sectors that experienced an increase were the Horticulture subsector which rose by 1.02 percent and fisheries sub-sector rose by 0.06 percent.
 In April 2013, the price index received by farmers (IT) rose by 0.50 percent compared with IT in March 2013. The increase in IT is due to the four subsectors experienced an increase in IT. Food Crops Subsector increased by 0.47 percent, Horticulture Subsector increased by 1.69 percent, Livestock sub-sector rose by 0.07 percent and Fisheries sub-sector rose by 0.65 percent. While the only subsector that experienced IT decline was the Subsector Plantation of Smallholder (TPR) which decreased by 0, 65 percent.
 Price Index paid by farmers (IB) In April 2013 rose by 0.63 percent compared to March 2013. This increase is due to the increase of IB in the five subsectors namely Food Crops sub-sector rose by 0.68 percent, Horticulture subsector rose by 0.66 percent , People's Plantation (TPR) sub-sector increased by 0.55 percent, Livestock subsector rose by 0.52 percent and Fisheries Subsector rose by 0.59 percent. Changes in Household consumption index (KRT) reflects the Inflation / Deflation figures in Rural areas. In April2 013 there was an increase of 0.76 percent. This increase was attributed to the increase of six groups of household consumption ie Foodstuff category rose by 0.89 percent, Food Group went up by 0.50 percent, housing group increased by 0.72 percent, Sandang group rose by 0.07 percent, Health rose by 0.56 percent, and the Transportation&Communications group rose by 1.62 percent. While the Education, Recreation & Sports group did not change.
In April 2013, the national NTP was 104.55 percent or up 0.01 percent compared to March 2013. This is because the farmer's price index rose by 0.04 percentage points higher than the increase in the price index paid by farmers who increased by 0 , 02 percent.
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