Production of Paddy, Maize and Soybean in 2012 (Preliminary Figures) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kotawaringin Timur Regency

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Production of Paddy, Maize and Soybean in 2012 (Preliminary Figures)

Production of Paddy, Maize and Soybean in 2012 (Preliminary Figures)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : March 1, 2012
File Size : 0.15 MB


Central Kalimantan's rice production in 2012 (Preliminary figure / ASEM) is estimated at 755,507 tons
Unhusked Dried Rice (GKG), up 81,489 tons (12.09 percent) compared to the production of Forecast II
which amounted to 674,018 tons. This increase is based on an increase of harvested area of ​​20,717 hectares (8.97
percent). While productivity also increased by 0.84 Ku / Ha (2.88 percent). While
nationally, rice production is expected to rise 0.13 percent compared to ARAM II 2012.
Compared with rice production in 2011 which amounted to 610,236 tons, rice production in 2012
(Preliminary figure) rose 145,271 tons (23.81 percent). The increase is due to increase in harvested area
amounted to 37,626 hectares (17.57 percent), and productivity increased by 1.52 Ku / Ha (5.32 percent).
While nationally, rice production is estimated to increase by 5.00 percent compared to 2011.
The production of Central Kalimantan maize in 2012 (preliminary figure) is estimated at 7,895 tons of pipeline
dry, decreased by 1,462 tons (15.62 percent) compared to the production of the 2012 forecast figure of 9,357 tons.
The decrease of maize production was due to the decrease of harvested area by 507 hectares (15.64 percent).
While nationally compared to ARAM II 2012, corn production increased by 2.19 percent.
Compared to corn production in 2011 which amounted to 9208 tons of corn production in 2012
(Preliminary figure) fell 1,313 tons (14.26 percent). This decrease is due to decreasing of harvested area
amounted to 461 hectares (14.43 percent), while productivity increased by 0.06 Ku / Ha (0.21 percent).
While the national production of corn rose by 9.83 percent compared to production in 2011.
Soybean production in 2012 (Preliminary Figures) is estimated at 1,697 tons of dry beans, down 192 tons
(10.16 percent) compared to the production of the 2012 forecast for 1,889 tons. This decrease occurs
due to the decline in harvested area of ​​162 hectares (10.07 percent), while productivity experienced
decrease of 0.01 Ku / Ha (0.06 percent). Meanwhile, nationally soybean production rose 8.75
percent compared to ARAM II 2012.
Compared to 2011 production which amounted to 2,823 tons, soybean production in 2012
(Preliminary figure) fell 1,126 tons (39.89 percent). This decrease is due to decreasing of harvested area
amounted to 997 hectares (40.81 percent). While productivity increased by 0.18 Ku / Ha (1.60 percent).
Meanwhile, nationally soybean production rose 0.04 percent compared to 2011.
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