Farmer Terms of Trade in January 2011 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kotawaringin Timur Regency

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Farmer Terms of Trade in January 2011

Farmer Terms of Trade in January 2011Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 1, 2011
File Size : 0.14 MB


To January 2011 , Value Exchange Farmerer (NTP) Middle Kalimantan registered 1 03,81 percent or go up
0,13 the percent is compared December NTP 2010. this Matter is caused because price index going up
that be accepted farmerer 0,84 percent, bigger to be compared with the price index going up that
be paid farmerer that is 0,70 percent.
Be seen from 5 (five) subsektor, 2 subsektor undergo NTP's going up, that is subsektor Hortikultura
go up as big as 0,49 percent, People's subsektor Gardening (TPR) go up as big as 1 ,00 percent,
whereas Cattling subsektor down 0,80 percent, Fishing subsektor down is as big as 1,23
percent, and Food subsektor Plants don't undergo changing or 0,00 percent
To January 2011 , the price index that be accepted farmerer (IT) go up 0,84 the percent is compared with IT
December 2010. this Going up is caused because IT to four subsektor undergo going up
that is : Food subsektor Plants go up 0,65 percent, Gardening subsektor Plants People (TPR)
go up 1 ,79 percent, Cattling subsektor go up as big as 0,06 percent, and subsektor Hortikultura go up
1 ,1 6 percent, whereas Fishing subsektor down is as big as 0,57 percent.
the Price Index that be paid farmerer (IB) go up 0,70 the percent is compared December 2011 , this going up
be caused because IB to 5 subsektor all to undergo going up, that is Plants subsektor
going up Food 0,65 percent, subsektor Hortikultura go up 0,67 percent, People's subsektor Gardening
(TPR) go up 0,79 percent, Fishing subsektor go up 0,67 percent, and Cattling subsektor go up
as big as 0,87 percent.
consumption Index Changing household (KRT) to mirror it number Inflasi / Deflasi to area
Villaging. To January 201 1 happen going up as big as 0,86 percent . this Going up is caused
because all group undergo going up that is Food Material group go up 0,66 percent,
Food group So go up 1 ,45 percent , Housing group go up 1 ,06 percent, group
going up Clothing 0,22 percent, group of Healthing go up 0,67 percent, Education group, Recreation
& Process Body go up 0,95 percent , and Transportation group & Communicate go up 1 ,03 percent.
To January 201 1 , NTP Riceal 103,01 percent or go up 0,25 the percent is compared month
December 2010. this Matter is caused because the price Index going up that be accepted farmerer 1 ,08
percent, bigger to be compared with the price Index going up that be paid by farmerer 0,84

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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